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lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Spare time (for Sewing): the gathering foot

Y yo preguntandome para qué servía esta piecita de la maquina de mi Abuelita y haciendo mis ruchas A MANO, increible no?

pd En caso de no hablar inglés, sugiero introducir en google translation parrafo por párrafo.
Using A Vintage Sewing Machine: The Gathering Foot

This is the Gathering Foot or Gatherer -as it's called in vintage sewing books. I've seen it called a Shirring Foot in newer books. The Gatherer does as its name indicates and pulls the fabric into a light gather with each stitch. I don't know how it does this but it does.

El costurero de Stella: Todos los pies para maquina Brother

Sigo viendo para que sirven esas piecitas que herede de mi Abuelita!

El costurero de Stella: Todos los pies para maquina Brother: Como me preguntan mucho sobre los pies para las diferentes máquinas de coser; encontré este PDF que muestra los pies que usan las máquinas B...

Shannon Sews: How to use a Hemmer Foot a.k.a how to sew a rolled...

Jajajaj como una piecita cambia todo, para hacer más facil una basta de pañuelo (ojo así la llaman los sastres, sirve para todo tipo)

Shannon Sews: How to use a Hemmer Foot a.k.a how to sew a rolled...: Okay, so as promised, I'll tell you a little more about using a hemmer foot to produce that lovely ruffly pillow  I bragged about (the one ...

A Spoonful of Sugar: Craft Storage

Craft Storage
 Craft Storage

Craft storage can be a challenge for your organisational skills! One of the problems of being addicted to so many types of craft is you end up with loads of different supplies/materials that need to be stored/organised so that when inspiration strikes, you can find just what you are looking for.

Over the past week or so my ribbon collection has been my focus. I used to have my ribbons sorted by colour into ziploc bags. However as I can never resist a pretty ribbon, the bags were overflowing and the ribbons getting tangled. I usually buy ribbons in short lengths (generally 1 metre) unless I have a particular project in mind. If they were on rolls it would be easier to store them.

I wrapped the ribbon around  floss bobbins (available from craft stores) and secured the ends with a pin. Would you believe I have more than 300 types of ribbon? I rediscovered some beauties so hopefully you will see some ribbon inspired project soon.

Much better!

For more ribbon storage ideas check out our Ribbon Storage Pinterest page. I buy most of my ribbons from Ribbons Galore.